So many of the Seniors that we meet find Medicare difficult to understand. Our goal is to teach you all you need to know about your options, so you can make an informed decision on how you choose to receive your Medicare. We plan to guide you in selecting the right Medicare Advantage or Supplement for you.
Not only do we assist our clients in selecting the right plan but we also help our clients to apply for extra help paying for prescription drugs. In addition, we will assist in applying for Medicaid.
Our licensed agents specialize in Medicare Advantage Plans. We do many of the enrollments at our office on 333 Bandera Rd right in the heart of San Antonio. In addition to Medicare Health Plans, we sell Medicare Supplements, Final Expense Policies and many other types of insurance.
One of our agents will sit with you and do a full needs analysis so we may understand what is important to you. After the needs analysis, we will make suggestions based on the benefits that are most important to you. We believe that this is the only way to help you determine the plan that best works for you. If benefits such as SilverSneakers® (gym membership included into your Medicare Advantage Plan), transportation to your doctor, dental, vision and hearing are important to you, we will help you find the plan that includes these benefits. If choosing your own doctors is most important, we offer Medicare Supplements.
Texas Medicare Solutions is not connected with or endorsed by the US Government or the Federal Medicare Program.
Natalie, a graduate of St. Mary’s University, is an expert in Medicare. Her goal is to educate her clients and help them make an informed decision.
We do our best to know all we can about Medicare so we can guide you into the right Medicare Advantage Plan or Supplement.
We have a licensed agent at our office at 333 Bandera Rd Monday – Friday from 10am – 4pm, however we recommend that you call to set up an appointment at 210-431-4744.
Call us today to schedule a no-obligation in home appointment or come to our office at 333 Bandera Rd. San Antonio, TX 78228. Allow us to review your Medicare Advantage options!